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C R A N S - M O N T A N A
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Fondation Pierre Arnaud
Foundation Pierre Arnaud Crans-Montana plateauet i landsbyen Lens er grundlagt af forretningsmanden og kunstelskeren Pierre Arnaud (1922-1996). Bygningen, indviet i 2013, er tegnet af Jean-Pierre Emery. Den unikke facade, et gigantisk spejl, genspejler Louché søen og det alpine sceneri.
The Pierre Arnaud Foundation on the Crans-Montana plateau in the village of Lens is founded by the businessman and art lover Pierre Arnaud (1922-1996). The building, inaugurated in 2013, is designed by Jean-Pierre Emery. The unique facade, a giant mirror, reflects the lake of Louché and the surrounding Alps.
Romantiske værker af europæiske kunstnere udstillet på Foundation Pierre Arnaud
Romantic paintings by European artists exhibited at the Pierre Arnaud Foundation
1 Leberecht Lortet, "Matterhorn", 1866.
2 Leberecht Lortet, "Alpelandskab" eller "Bjergrigt landskab"/Leberecht Lortet, "Alpine Landscape" or "Mountainous Landscape".
3 Carl Georg Enslen, "Parti af katedralen i Köln, set fra vest", 1839/Carl Georg Enslen, "View of Cologne Cathedral, seen from the West", 1839.
4 Otto Frölicher, "Alpelandskab"/Otto Frölicher, "Alpine Landscape".
1 Kaspar Kässli, "Rhône-gletsjeren", 1878/Kaspar Kässli, "The Rhône Glacier", 1878.
2 Jean-Antoine Linck, "Udsigt over Alperne set fra hvælvingen, kaldet huen", 1799.
Jean-Antoine Linck, "View of the Alps Seen From the Arch, Called the Cap", 1799.
3 Anton Winterlin, "Lauterbrunnen dalen og Jungfrau massivet", 1865/Anton Winterlin, "Lauterbrunnen Valley and the Jungfrau Massif", 1865.
4 Francois Diday, "Pissevache vandfaldet", 1852/Francois Diday, "The Pissevache Waterfall ", 1852.
1 Francis Danby, "Afgrunden", ca. 1827/Francis Danby, "The Precipice", c. 1827.
2 Gustave Dorè, "Skotsk landskab", 1875-80/Gustave Dorè, "Scottish Landscape", 1875-80.
3 Caspar Wolf, "Stenhvælving ved Skt. Beatus grotten", 1776/Caspar Wolf, "Stone Vault at St Beatus Cave", 1776.
4 Caspar Wolf, "Bjørnehule i Welschenrohr", 1778/Caspar Wolf, "Bear Cave at Welschenrohr", 1778.
5 Carl Friedrich Lessing, "Bjerglandskab: Kløft med ruiner", 1850/Carl Friedrich Lessing, "Rock Landscape: Gorge with Ruins", 1850.
1 Johann Heinrich Füssli, "Ensomhed i morgenskumringen", 1797-99/Johann Heinrich Füssli, "Loneliness in the Morning Twilight", 1797-99.
2 Anton Graff, "Portræt af gravøren Adrian Zingg", 1796-99/Anton Graff, "Portrait of the Engraver Adrian Zingg", 1796-99.
3 Fleury Epinat, "Vulkanudbrud" eller "Vesuv i udbrud", 1810/Fleury Epinat, "Volcanic Eruption" or "Vesuvius in Eruption", 1810.
4 Charles Hugo, "Victor Hugo på eksilklippen", 1853/Charles Hugo, "Victor Hugo on the Rock of the Exiles", 1853.
5 Victor Hugo, "Klokketårnet i Gent", 1864/Victor Hugo, "The Belfry of Ghent", 1864.
1 Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, "Stenbrud i det Saksiske Schweiz", 1860/Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, "Quarry in Saxon Switzerland", 1860.
2 Charles Marie Bouton, "Bedende munk i en gotisk kirkeruin", 1824.
Charles Marie Bouton, "Praying Monk in the Ruins of a Gothic Church", 1824.
3 Charles Caïus Renoux, "Munke foran et gravmæle", 1828/Charles Caïus Renoux, "Monks in front of a Tomb", 1828.
4 Charles Marie Bouton, "Karl 6.'s vanvid", eller "Parti" fra 1300-tals rummet i Musée des Monuments français, ca. 1815.
Charles Marie Bouton, "
The Madness of Charles VI", or "View of the 14th-century room in the Musée des Monuments français", ca. 1815.
1 Carl Gustav Carus, "Højt bjerg", 1822/Carl Gustav Carus, "High Mountain", 1822.
2 Carl Gustav Carus, "Tintern klostret" eller "Måneskin"/Carl Gustav Carus, "Tintern Abbey" or "Moonlight".
3 Carl Gustav Carus, "Colosseum i Rom", efter 1828/Carl Gustav Carus, "The Colosseum in Rome", after 1828.
4 Carl Gustav Carus, "Visionen om en imaginær by", ca. 1840/Carl Gustav Carus, "The Vision of an Imaginary City", c. 1840.
Crans-Montana & Valais Alperne/The Pennine Alps
Crans-Montana er et ski resort med udsigt over Rhônedalen i kanton Valais i den fransktalende del af Schweiz.
Crans-Montana is a ski resort high above the
Rhône Valley in the canton of Valais in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
Sacré-Coeur (viet til Jesu hellige hjerte), sognekirke, Crans-Montana

The Sacred Heart, parish church, Crans-Montana

Valais Alperne/The Pennine Alps

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HM The Queen
Historiske krige
Guder og helte
i græsk og romersk
Nordisk mytologi
The Skaw Painters
Digital kunst

Digital Art


Bayeux tapetet
da Vinci
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