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Vessel   -   New York City, New York State

trappeskulptur i Hudson Yards tegnet af den engelske arkitekt Thomas Heatherwick, indviet i marts 2019.
New York's Staircase, 2019, Hudson Yards, designed by the English architect Thomas Heatherwick.
Klostergårdene/The Cloisters   -   New York City, New York State
Klostergårdene/The Cloisters beliggende i Washington Heights i øvre Manhattan huser Metropolitan Museum of Art's samling af kunst og arkitektur fra Europas middelalder herunder enhjørninggobelinerne, Mérode Alteret og "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry".
Den amerikanske skulptør George Gray Barnard (1863-1938) som begyndte sine kunststudier på School of the Art Institute of Chicago i 1882 og året efter rejste til Frankrig, hvor han blev stærkt inspireret af Auguste Rodin, og hvor han blev i mere end 10 år, samlede kasserede fragmenter fra middelalderarkitektur i franske landsbyer før 1. Verdenskrig og åbnede et museum på øvre Manhattan med sin samling af middelalderkunst.
I 1925 blev hans samling købt af J.D. Rockefeller Jr. og udgør kernen i The Cloisters.
De fire franske klostergårde er: Cuxa, Bonnefont-en-Comminges, Trie-en-Bigorre og Sankt-Guilhem. The Cloisters blev opført i New York i årene 1934-38 og var tegnet af arkitekten Charles Collens. The Cloisters/museets bygningselementer kommer fra fem franske middelalderklostre.
The Cloisters located in Washington Heights houses the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of art and architecture from medieval Europe, among other things The Unicorn Tapestries, The Mérode Altar and "The Belles Heures of Jean of France, Duke of Berry.
The American sculptor George Gray Barnard (1863-1938), who began his art studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1882, and the following year went to France, where he became strongly influenced by Auguste Rodin, and where he remained for more than ten years, gathered discarded fragments of medieval architecture from French villages before World War I and opened a museum at the northern tip of Manhattan housing his collection of medieval art.

In 1925 his collection was purchased by J.D. Rockefeller Jr. and forms a core part of the Cloisters. 
The four French cloisters are: The Cuxa, the Bonnefont-en-Comminges, The Trie-en-Bigorre and the Saint-Guilhem. The cloisters were built in New York between 1934-38 and was designed by the architect Charles Collens. The Cloisters/the museum's building elements came from five medieval French cloisters.

Enhjørninggobelinerne - Jagten på enhjørningen, 1495-1505
The Unicorn Tapestries - The Hunt of the Unicorn, 1495-1505
De sengotiske enhjørninggobeliner er sandsynligvis designet i Paris og vævet i Bruxelles.
I Paris i 1680 blev gobelinerne dokumenteret for første gang. De har tilhørt franske adelsfamilier og blev røvet under den Franske Revolution (1789-1799). Bogstaverne "AE" ses i alle gobelinerne og refererer til de oprindelige (ukendte) ejere. Mange år efter Revolutionen blev de fundet liggende i en lade. I 1850'erne kom de tilbage til de tidligere ejeres efterkommerne og blev restaureret i 1856. I 1922 købte den amerikanske forretningsmand og filantrop
J.D. Rockefeller Jr. gobelinerne og donerede dem senere til The Cloisters.
På Musée national du Moyen Âge i Paris er en serie på seks enhjørninggobeliner vævet i Flandern på baggrund af kartoner tegnet i Paris omkring 1500.
Enhjørningen er et yndefuldt fabeldyr, en hvid hest eller antilope. Den har et langt snoet horn i panden, den har klove, gedebukkeskæg og kan have løvehale. Omkring 400 f.Kr. gav den græske læge og historieskriver Ktesias fra Knidos den første skriftlige redegørelse om en skabning med ét horn. Ktesias og senere historieskrivere hævdede at enhjørningen levede i Indien, andre af antikkens forfattere mente, at den stammede fra Afrika og Kina. Ktesias beskrev enhjørningen som af et æsels størrelse, som værende hurtig, vild og voldsom i kamp, sky og umulig at indfange.
Enhjørningens horn blev helt tilbage fra vikingetiden handlet dyrt, da de i knust form havde virkning mod gift og på potensen. Videnskabsmanden Ole Worm skrev i 1638 at de påståede enhjørningehorn var narhvaldtænder, men trods den oplysning blev enhjørningen medtaget i zoologiske værker op i 1700-tallet, i blandt andet "Systema naturae" fra 1735 af den svenske naturforsker Carl von Linné.
The Late Gothic Unicorn Tapestries were probably designed in Paris and woven i Brussels.
The tapestries were documented for the first time in Paris in 1680. They were owned by French noble families and were looted at the French Revolution (1789-1799). The letters "AE" is woven into each of the tapestries and refer to the original (unkown) owners.
Many years after the Revolution they were found lying in a barn. In 1850's they were recovered by descendants of the former owners and restored in 1856. In 1922 the American businessman and philantropist J.D. Rockefeller Jr. bought the tapestries and he later donated them to The Cloisters.
A unicorn is a graceful mythical creature, a white horse or antelope. It has a long single horn on its forehead, cloven hooves, a billy-goat beard and often a lion's tail. About 400 BC the Greek physician and writer of tales and legends Ctesias of Cnidus was the first European to describe a one-horned creature. Ctesias and later ancient Greek writers claimed that the unicorn lived in India, other ancient writers believed that it originated from Africa and China. Ctesias described the unicorn in the size of a small donkey, very fleet of foot, wild, fierce in battle, shy and difficult to capture.
Many healing powers and antidotal virtues were attributed to the unicorn horns. The Vikings sold narwhal tusks as unicorn horns. In 1638 the Danish physician and naturalist Ole Worm wrote that purported unicorn horns were narwhal tusks, but in spite of this the unicorn was included in zoological works until the mid 18th century, among others in
"Systema naturae" from 1735 by the Swedish natural scientist Carolus Linnaeus
1 Jægerne går ind i skoven. Baggrunden er mille-fleur stil/The Hunters Enter the Woods. The background is mille-fleur.
2 Enhjørningen er fundet, den ligger foran en fontæne, på hvis kant der sidder to fasaner og to guldfinker, og både eksotiske og europæiske dyr ses i gobelinen. Omkring fontænen ses jægerne med deres hunde, de synes at diskutere deres endnu ikke indfangede bytte. Måske foregår der noget magisk i denne gobelin for en legende fortæller at en enhjørning ikke kan forstyrres, når den udfører en magisk handling.
The Unicorn is Found lying in front of a fountain, and two pheasants and two goldfinches are sitting on the fountain edge.
Both native and exotic animal species are seen in the tapestry. The hunters with their dogs seem to discuss their not yet captured prey. Maybe something magical is taking place in this tapestry, because a legend tells that the unicorn cannot be disturbed while performing a magical act.
3 Enhjørningen angribes formentlig efter sin magiske handling (se ovenfor) og en kaotisk scene udspiller sig.
The Unicorn is Attacked, presumably after ending a magical act (see above), and a chaotic scene takes place.
1 Enhjørningen forsvarer sig selv/The Unicorn Defends Itself.
Den mystiske tilfangetagelse af enhjørningen. Af gobelinen eksisterer to fragmenter. Enhjørningen synes at være tæmmet og det i en sådan grad, at han ikke bekymrer sig om hunden, der slikker såret på hans ryg, og han ser kærligt på den ungmø, der har tæmmet ham (hun holder om enhjørningens hals, kun hendes arm og hånd anes). Sceneriet foregår i en lukket have, en hortus conclusus, der er en metafor på en jomfrus uskyld/Jomfru Maria. En hortus conclusus ses i kristen kunst fra middelalderen og fremefter og er ofte indhegnet og uigennemtrængelig. Kvindefiguren i haven synes at signalere til jægeren udenfor, der blæser i sit horn for at tilkalde de andre jægere.
The Mystic Capture of the Unicorn. Two fragments of the tapestry exists. The unicorn seems to have been tamed, and he does not care about the dog who licks his wound, and he looks lovingly at the maiden who has tamed him (her arm and hand can be seen around the unicorn's neck). The scenery takes place in an enclosed garden, a hortus conclusus, a metaphor of the purity of a maiden/Virgin Mary. A hortus conclusus is seen in Christian art from the Middle Ages onwards and is often fenced in and impenetrable. The female figure standing in the garden seems to signal to the hunter in the wood. He blows his horn to summon his companions.
3 Enhjørningen bliver dræbt og bragt til borgen/The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle.
Enhjørningen i fangenskab. Denne gobelin er formentlig skab som et enkeltstående værk og er ikke en del af jagtserien. Det tamme væsen er tøjret til et granatæbletræ og omgivet af et hegn, men kæden der er fæstnet til træet synes svag og hegnet er så lavt, at enhjørningen kan flygte, hvis den vil. Der er ikke tale om en ulykkelig frihedsberøvelse.
Granatæbletræet over enhjørningen er et middelaldersymbol på frugtbarhed og ægteskab og forbindes med slutningen på en enhjørningjagt. På enhjørningens side synes det at bløde fra sår forvoldt af jægerne, men der ses ingen synlige sår som i jagtserien, og hvad der synes at være blodpletter er saft, der drypper fra de bristefærdige granatæbler ovenover. Mange andre planter er vist i gobelinen f.eks. vilde orkideer, slangeurter og tidsler, der i middelalderen ansås som midler mod barnløshed. En baggrund som denne betegnes en mille-fleur baggrund.
Enhjørningen kan kun tæmmes af jomfruer/Jomfru Maria, og er den tæmmet holdes den i fangenskab/i en lukket have, og er lænket til et granatæbletræ, hvilket kan symbolisere tilfangetagelsen af Kristus og Korsfæstelsen. Denne gobelin er blev gransket, tolket og diskuteret i mere end hundrede år uden, at der er fremkommet et endeligt svar på betydningen af dens indhold.
The Unicorn in Captivity. This mille-fleur tapestry may have been created as a single work and not a part of the hunting series. The unicorn does not seem to be in captivity against its will, it can escape if it wants, the fence is low and its tether is weak. The pomegranate tree above is a medieval representation, a symbol of fertility and marriage and associated with the end of a unicorn hunt. The captured unicorn appears to be bleeding from wounds inflicted on it by the hunters, but what looks like bloodstrains on the unicon is juice from the pomegranate apples. The unicorn can be tamed only by virgins/Virgin Mary. Once tamed the unicorn was held in captivity/an enclosed garden and chained to a pomegranate tree, which can symbolize the story of the capture of Christ and the crucifixion. This tapestry has been examined, interpreted and discussed for more than an century without any final solution of the meaning of its contents.
2 Flémalle-mesteren (Robert Campin), Mérode Alteret, en triptykon, et trefløjet alter. Det er fyldt med skjult symbolik. Næsten hver detalje indeholder et symbolsk budskab.
Master of Flémalle (Robert Campin), The Mérode Altar.
3 "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry", Kristi lidelser. Bespottelsen og piskningen, ca. 1405-08, udført af Brødrene Limbourg. Brødrenes to sidste store illustrationsopgaver var to private bønnebøger til Hertugen af Berry, tidebøgerne "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry" (The Cloisters) og "Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry" ca. 1412-15, Musée Condé, Chantilly, Frankrig.
"The Belles Heures of Jean of France, Duke of Berry". The Hours of the Passion. The Mocking of Christ and the Flagellation, c. 1405-08, by the Limbourg Brothers. The Limbourg's last two great projects for Jean (John) of Berry was "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry" (The Cloisters) and "Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry" ca. 1412-15, Condé Museum, Chantilly, France.
1-6 Klostergårdene/The Cloisters.
4 Løve. Freske overført til lærred. Castilla y León, Spanien, ca. 1200. Fra et rum over kapitelsalen i benediktinerklostret San Pedro de Arlanza nær Burgos. Klostret blev nedlagt i 1841.
Lion. Fresco transferred to canvas. Castile-León, Spain, c. 1200. From a room above the chapterhouse of the Benedictine monastery of San Pedro de Alanza, near Burgos. The monastery was abandoned in 1841.
5 Drage. Freske overført til lærred. Castilla y León, Spanien, ca. 1200. Fra et rum over kapitelsalen i benediktinerklostret San Pedro de Arlanza nær Burgos.
Dragon. Fresco transferred to canvas. Castile-León, Spain, c. 1200. From a room above the chapterhouse of the Benedictine monastery of San Pedro de Alanza near
6 Kamel. Freske overført til lærred. Castilla y León, Spanien, formentlig 1129-34. Fra eremitboligen San Baudelio de Berlanga nær Soria. 
Camel. Fresco transferred to canvas. Castile-León, Spain, possibly 1129-34. From the hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga, near Soria.
1 Malet træskrin med scener fra erobringen af Oranien. Sydfrankrig, ca. 1200-1225. På skrinet fortælles om eventyr bedrevet af Vilhelm af Gellone (755-812), den middelalderlige Vilhelm af Oranien, hærfører for Karl den Store og hertug af Toulouse og grundlægger af klostret Saint-Guilhem-le Désert. Vilhelms tidlige liv som kriger er der berettet om i de franske heltekvad "Chansons de Geste" fra 1200-tallet, og de største slagscener fra disse kvad kan ses på skrinet.
Painted wooden shrine with Scenes of the Capture of Orange. The South of France, c. 1200-1225. On the shrine is depicted the adventures of William of Gellone (755-812), the medieval William of Orange, Duke of Toulouse, a relative of Charlemagne and founder of the monastery of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. William's early life as a warrior is recounted in "Chansons de Geste" (songs of deed), 12th century French epic poems, and battle scenes from these poems appear on the shrine.
2-3 Kapitelsal fra Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut, Frankrig, 1100-tallet. Kapitelsalen eller konventsalen i romansk stil var en samlingssal for klostrets munke eller nonner hvor de dagligt samledes for at drøfte klostrets anliggender. De sad på stenbænken, der var placeret langs med rummets mure.

Pontautklostret blev grundlagt i 1115 som et benediktinerkloster og blev efter 1151 et cistercienserkloster. Klostret blev beskadiget under religionskrigene i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet mellem katolikker og protestanter. I 1791 blev klosterbygningen solgt til en lokal familie og kapitelsalen blev anvendt som stald. I 1932 blev kapitelsalen solgt og fragtet til New York.

Chapterhouse from Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut, France, 12th century. The chapterhouse in Romanesque style was the daily meeting place for monks or nuns, they sat on the stone bench around the walls and discussed the monastery's affairs.
The abbey at Pontaut was founded in 1115 as a Benedictine abbey but became a Cistercian house in 1151.
During the European religious wars in the 16th century the abbey was damaged. In 1791 a local family bought the buildings and the chapterhouse was used as a stable. In 1932 it was sold and brought to New York.

4-5 Cuxa klostergården, ca. 1130-40. Benediktinerklostret Sant Miquel de Cuixà, de østlige Pyrenæer, Frankrig, blev grundlagt i 878 og ødelagt under Den Franske Revolution (1789-99). Klostret blev grundlagt påny i 1919 og efterfølgende genrejst af cistercienserne.

The Cuxa Cloister, c. 1130-40. The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Michel de Cuxa, located in the eastern Pyrénées, France, was founded in 878. During the French Revolution (1789-99) the monastery was destroyed. The abbey was refounded in 1919 and subsequently restored under the Cistercians.

6 Cuxa klostergården, kapitæl, nøgne dansende mænd/The Cuxa Cloister, capital, naked dancing men.
1-5 Cuxa klostergården/The Cuxa Cloister.
1-2 Refektoriets klokke (refektorium = spisesal). Tyskland, 1200-tallet. Inskription (lat.): Tinnio pransuris cenaturis bibituris (jeg ringer til morgenmad, middag og aftendrik).

Refectory Bell. German, 13th century. Inscription (lat.): Tinnio pransuris cenaturis bibituris (I ring for breakfast, dinner and drinks).

3 Døre med hængsler og smedede forstærkningsbeslag. Fransk, midten af 1100-tallet. Fra kirken Saint-Sulpice de Coulangé.
Doors with hinges and reinforcing bands. France, mid-12th century. From the church Saint-Sulpice de Coulangé.
Bue med fabeldyr. Languedoc, Frankrig, ca. 1150-75. Formentlig fra en kirke i Narbonne.
Fra venstre mod højre: en manticore (mands hoved, løves krop, skorpions hale). En pelikan der
hakker sig selv i brystet for med sit blod at nære sine unger. En basilisk (hane og skorpion). En harpy (fugl med en ungmøs ansigt) er ond og lokker mænd i ulykke med sin smukke stemme. En grif (en ørns hoved og vinger og en løves krop). En drage der kan give sin krop cirkelform. En kentaur (halvt menneske, halvt hest) med spændt bue. En løve, der med sin hale sletter sine spor for at undvige jægere.
Arch with Beasts. Languedoc, France, c. 1150-75. Probably from a church in Narbonne.
From left to right: a manticore (face of a man, body of a lion, tail of a scorpion). A Pelican believed to pierce its own breast with its beak and feed its young of its blood. A basilisk (a cross between a cock and a scorpion). A harpy (bird with the head of a maiden) luring men to their doom with her beautiful voice. A griffin (head and wings of an eagle, body of a lion). A dragon who can form its body into a circle. A Centaur (half horse, half man) with drawn bow. A lion who erases his tracks with his tail to elude hunters.
1 Firarmet lysestage. Europa, 1400-1500-tallet og senere/Candelabra. Europe, 15th-16th century and later.
2 Nyromansk vægfontæne. Frankrig, slutningen af 1800-tallet, begyndelsen af 1900-tallet.
Neo-Romanesque wall fountain. France, late 19th/early 20th century.
3 Håndvask. Burgund, Frankrig, 1200-tallet.
Lavabo (washbasin). Burgundy, France, 13th century.
4 Et dobbelt lancet vindue (højt smalt spidsbuevindue). Frankrig, ca. 1275–1300/A double lancet window. France, c. 1275–1300.
5 Det gotiske kapel/The Gothic Chapel.
6 Gravskulptur af en dreng, formentlig Armengol 9., greve af Urgel. Spanien ca. 1300-1350. Fra kirken Santa Maria de Castelló de Farfanya.
Tomb effigy of a boy, probably Ermengol IX, Count of Urgell. Spain, ca. 1300-1350. From the church of Santa Maria de Castelló de Farfanya.
1 Ridder af d'Aluye familien. Loiredalen, Frankrig, ca. 1248–1267/A Knight of the d'Aluye Family. Loire Valley, France c. 1248–1267.
2 Dobbelgrav for Àlvar Rodrigo de Cabrera, greve af Urgel og hans hustru Cecília de Foix. Spanien, ca. 1300-1350. Fra præmonstratenserklostret Santa Maria de Bellpuig de les Avellanes.
Double tomb of Àlvar Rodrigo de Cabrera, Count of Urgell and his wife Cecília de Foix. Spain, c. 1300-1350. From the Premonstratensian monastery of Santa Maria de Bellpuig de les Avellanes.
3 Grav for Armengol 7., greve af Urgel. Spanien, ca. 1300-1350. Fra præmonstratenserklostret Santa Maria de Bellpuig de les Avellanes.
Tomb of Ermengol VII, Count of Urgell. Spain, ca. 1300-1350. From the Premonstratensian monastery of Santa Maria de Bellpuig de les Avellanes.
4 Pietà. Formentlig fra Prag, ca. 1400/Pietà. Possibly Prague, ca. 1400.
5-6 Vinduer med ni sølvfarvede rondeller. Nederlandsk, 1510-30/Windows with nine silver-stained roundels. Netherlandish, 1510-30.
1 Dyb tallerken, islamisk keramik. Valencia, Spanien, ca. 1430. Tallerkenen er formentlig en del af et spisestel udført for den florentiske Dazzifamilie.
Deep dish,
Islamic pottery. Valencia, Spain, c. 1430. The dish is probably remnant of a dinner set made for the Dazzi family of Florence.
2 Skål med låg. Spanien, ca. 1550-75/Bowl with cover. Spain, c. 1550-75.
3 Middelalderkander. England, Mill Green, Essex/Medieval Jugs. England, Mill Green, Essex.
4 Hane. Tyskland, Niedersachsen, 1200-tallet/Rooster. Germany, Lower Saxony, 13th century.
5 Løve. Tyskland, Nürnberg, ca. 1400/Lion. Germany, Nuremberg, c. 1400.
6 Bægre (Krautstrunk). Tyskland, slutningen af 1400-tallet eller begyndelsen af 1500-tallet.
Beakers (Krautstrunk). Germany, late 15th or early 16th century.
1 Pilgrimsflaske med den korsfæstede Kristus. Tyskland, Rhinlandet, ca. 1490-1510.
Pilgrim's bottle with an image of the Crucified Christ. Germany, Rhineland, c. 1490-1510.
2 Bønnebog for Bonne/Jutta af Luxembourg, hertuginde af Normandiet. Tilskrevet Jean Le Noir (aktiv 1331-75) og hans værksted. Frankrig, Paris, før 1349.
The Prayer Book of Bonne/Jutta of Luxembourg, Duchess of Normandy. Attributed to Jean Le Noir (active 1331-75) and his workshop. France, Paris, before 1349.
3 Timebog, af den flamske miniaturemaler Simon Bening. Belgien, Brügge, ca. 1530-35.
Book of Hours, by the Flemish miniaturist Simon Bening, Belgium, Bruges, c. 1530-35.
4 Kristi lidelser. Bespottelsen og piskningen. Fra "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry", ca. 1405-08, udført af Brødrene Limbourg. Brødrenes to sidste store illustrationsopgaver var to private bønnebøger til Hertugen af Berry, tidebøgerne "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry" (The Cloisters) og "Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry" ca. 1412-15, Musée Condé, Chantilly, Frankrig.
The Hours of the Passion. The Mocking of Christ and the Flagellation. From "The Belles Heures of Jean of France, Duke of Berry", c. 1405-08, by the Limbourg Brothers. The Limbourg's last two great projects for Jean (John) of Berry was "Les belles heures du Duc de Berry" (The Cloisters) and "Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry" ca. 1412-15, Condé Museum, Chantilly, France.
5 Fløjalter med Kristi lidelseshistorie. Sydtyskland, ca. 1475-85.
Triptych with the Passion of Christ. Southern Germany, c. 1475-85.
6 Ravmedaljon med Jesu ansigt. Polen, ca. 1380-1400.
Amber medallion with the face of Christ. Poland, c. 1380-1400.
1 Relikvieskrin formet som en arm. Belgien, Meusedalen, ca. 1230/Arm Reliquary. Belgium, Meuse Valley, c. 1230.
2 Jesusbarnet med et æble. Tyskland, Ulm, ca. 1470-80. Fra Michel Erharts værksted.

The Infant Jesus with an Apple. Germany, Ulm, c. 1470-80. From the workshop of Michel Erhart.

3 Palmeæsel = Jesus på æslet. Processionsvogn anvendt Palmesøndag indtil Reformationen. Tyskland, Neder-franken, 1400-tallet.

Palm Donkey = Jesus on the donkey. Procesion cart used on Palm Sunday until the Reformation. Germany, Lower Franconia, 15th century.

Smertensmanden (= Imago Pietatis = Kristus der viser sine vunder). Italien, Firenze, ca. 1370. Udført af Niccolò de Tommaso.
Til venstre og højre for Smertensmanden er malede 1200-tals træfigurer fra Østrig visende den sørgende Jomfru Maria og den sørgende evangelist Johannes.
Man of Sorrows (= Imago Pietatis = Christ showing His wounds). Italy, Florence, c. 1370. Executed by Niccolò de Tommaso.
To the left and right of the Man of Sorrows is painted wooden 13th century figures from Austria: The Mourning Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist.
5 Jomfru. Alsace, Strasbourg, ca. 1250. Fra det tidligere korgitter i Vor Frue Kirke i Strasbourg.

Virgin. Alsace, Strasbourg, c. 1250. From the former choir screen of The Cathedral of Notre-Dame Strasbourg.

6 Kirkevindue. Frankrig, Champagne, ca. 1180. Fra benediktinerkirken Saint-Remi, Reims.
Church window. France, Champagne, c. 1180.
From the Benedictine abbey church of Saint-Remi, Reims.
1-5 Trie-en-Bigorre klostergården. Frankrig, slutningen af 1400-tallet/The Trie-en-Bigorre cloister. France, Late 15th century.
1 Jesu lidelse i Gethsemane have og Judas forråder Jesus (Judaskysset). Frankrig, Lorraine, begyndelsen af 1500-tallet.
The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and The Betrayal of Christ (the Judas Kiss). France, Lorraine, early 16the century.
2 Piskningen og Jesus møder sin moder på vejen til Golgata. Frankrig, Lorraine, begyndelsen af 1500-tallet.
The Flagellation and Christ Meeting His Mother on the Road to Golgotha. France, Lorraine, early 16the century.
3 Opstandelsen. Spanien, formentlig Valencia, ca. 1500/The Resurrection. Spain, possibly Valencia, c. 1500.
4 Jomfru Maria og Jesusbarnet i mandorla og Kongernes tilbedelse. Spanien, Catalonien, Lerida, ca. 1100. Romansk freske af Pedretmesteren fra Catalonien.
The Virgin and Child in Majesty and the Adoration of the Magi. Spain, Catalonia, Lerida, c. 1100. Romanesque fresco by the Master of Pedret, Catalonia.
5 Helbredelsen af den blinde og opvækkelsen af Lazarus. Freske overført til lærred. Castilla y León, Spanien, formentlig 1129-34. Fra en eremitboligen San Baudelio de Berlanga nær Soria.  

The Healing of the Blind Man and the Raising of Lazarus. Fresco transferred to canvas. Castile-León, Spain, possibly 1129-34. From the hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga, near Soria.

6 Jesu fristes af Djævelen. Freske overført til lærred. Castilla y León, Spanien, formentlig 1129-34. Fra en eremitboligen San Baudelio de Berlanga nær Soria.  

The Temptations of Christ by the Devil. Fresco transferred to canvas. Castile-León, Spain, possibly 1129-34. From the hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga, near Soria.

1 Torso af Kristus. Frankrig, Auvergne, slutningen af 1100-tallet/Torso of Christ. France, Auvergne, late 12th century.
2 Fødslen af Jomfru Maria. Tyskland, ca. 1480. En usædvanlig skulptur visende Den Hellige Anna i barselsseng med den svøbte Jomfru Maria. En predellaskulptur fra et sengotisk alter.
The Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Germany, c. 1480. Saint Anne with the newborn Mary. Predella sculpture from a Late Gothic altarpiece.
3 Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet på måneseglet. Sydtyrol, ca. 1470/Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon. South Tyrol, c. 1470.
4 Kongernes tilbedelse. Tyskland, München, 1507/The Adoration of the Magi. Germany, Munich, 1507.
5 Trefløjet altertavle med Jomfru Maria, Jesusbarnet og helgener. Tyskland, Schwaben, ca. 1470. Tavlen var oprindeligt placeret i slotskapellet i Burg Weiler nær Heilbronn.
Altarpiece with Virgin Mary, the infant Jesus and Saints (The Burg Weiler Altar Triptych). Germany, Swabia, c. 1470. The altarpiece was originally placed in the chapel of the castle of Burg Weiler near Heilbronn.
1-6 Bonnefonthaven og klostergården/The Bonnefont garden and cloister.
1-5 Bonnefonthaven med mange urtearter kendt fra middelalderen/The Bonnefont garden with many species of herbs known in the Middle Ages.
1-5 Sankt-Guilhem klostergården. Frankrig, slutningen af 1100-tallet - begyndelsen af 1200-tallet. Fra klostret Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert.
Saint-Guilhem Cloister. France, late 12th - early 13th century. From the monastery of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert.
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H.C. Andersen   -   Central Park, New York City, New York State
H.C. Andersen læser "Den grimme ælling" (publiceret første gang i 1843).
Monumentet, der består af bronzeskulpturen udført af den amerikanske skulptør Georg John Lober (1891-1961) og granitbænken udført af den amerikanske arkitekt Otto Frederick Langmann (1884-1970), blev afsløret i 1956 i anledning af H.C. Andersens 150 års fødselsdag året før. Bronzeællingen blev stjålet i 1973, fundet og genplaceret.
Danske og amerikanske skolebørn hjalp med at skaffe de omkring 500.000 kr, som værket kostede.
Inscription på bænken: Hans Christian Andersen. Dette monument er en gave fra danske børn og byen New York og dens venner. 1956. Sponsoreret af Danish American Women's Associaton. Grundlægger baronesse Alma Dahlerup.
Den danskfødte filantrop Alma Dahlerup f. Bech-Brøndum (1874-1969), emigrerede i 1899 til New York med sin mand baron Joost Dahlerup hvor hun gjorde en stor indsats for at gøre amerikanerne bekendt med H.C. Andersen.
The Danish fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) reading "The Ugly Duckling" (first published 1843).
The monument consists of the bronze sculpture executed by the sculptor Georg John Lober (1891-1961) and the granite bench by the architect Otto Frederick Langmann, and was erected in 1956 to commemorate H.C. Andersen's 150th birthday the year before.
The bronze duckling was stolen in 1973 and later recovered.
Inscription: "Hans Christian Andersen. This monument is the gift of the children of Denmark and New York City and their friends. 1956. Sponsored by the Danish American Women's Association. Baroness Alma Dahlerup Founder
"Alice i Eventyrland", bronzeskulptur, Central Park, bestillingsarbejde af filantropen George Delacorte og udført 1959 af den spanskfødte amerikanske skulptør José de Creeft. Børnebogen af samme navn er skrevet af den engelske forfatter og matematiker Lewis Carroll i 1865.
Skulpturen viser Alice, der sidder på paddehatten og holder hof. Til venstre ses den hvide kanin med vest og sit store lommeur, og til højre den gale hattemager, hans ansigt er en karrikatur af George Delacorte.
"Alice in Wonderland", bronze sculpture, Central Park, commissioned by the philanthropist George Delacorte and executed 1959 by the Spanish-born American sculptor José de Creeft. The English writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll wrote "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in 1865.
1-3 Central Park.
Whitney Museum of American Art   -   New York City, New York State
Whitney Museum of American Art, 2019.
Det nye Whitney Museum, 2015, tegnet af den italienske arkitekt Renzo Piano, der også har tegnet Kulturcentret Pompidou i Paris, 1977 og Zentrum Paul Klee, 2005, Bern, Schweiz.
The new Whitney Museum, 2015, designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano
, also the designer of the Pompidou Center in Paris, 1977 and Zentrum Paul Klee, 2005, Bern, Switzerland.
Det gamle Whitney Museum of American Art.

Museet er tegnet i 1966 af den ungarsk-amerikanske arkitekt og møbeldesigner Marcel Lajos Breuer. Det lukkede i 2014 og åbnede som "The Met Breuer" i 2016 og er en del af Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The old Whitney Museum of American Art.

The museum is designed in 1966 by the Hungarian-American architect and furniture designer Marcel Lajos Breuer. The museum closed in 2014 and opened as "The Met Breuer" in 2016, a part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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The Met/Metropolitan Museum of Art   -   New York City, New York State
1-4 The Met/Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1-3 Dendurtemplet, 10 f.Kr./The Temple of Dendur, 10 B.C.
4 Fire statuer af guden Sekhmet, Det nye rige, 18. Dynasti, under kong Amenhotep II (1450-1425 f.Kr).
Four Statues of the Goddess Sakhmet, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep II (
1450-1425 B.C.).
5 Frank Duveneck, 1891, støbt 1927, "Gravfigur af Elizabeth Boott Duveneck" (kunstnerens hustru).
Frank Duveneck, 1891, cast 1927, "Tomb Effigy of Elizabeth Boott Duveneck".
1-2 Augustus Saint-Gaudens, støbt/cast 1928, "Diana".
3-4 Den nyklassicistiske facade fra United States Branch Bank (fra Nedre Manhattan).
The neoclassical facade of the United States Branch Bank (from lower Manhattan).
5 John Singleton Copley, ca. 1763, "Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers".
6 John Singleton Copley, ca. 1767-70, "Joseph Sherburne".
1 John Singleton Copley, 1771, "Daniel Crommelin Verplanck".
2 John Singleton Copley, 1782, "Kadet Augustus Brine"/John Singleton Copley, 1782, "Midshipman Augustus Brine".
3 Louis C. Tiffany, 1905-15, "Vindruepaneler"/Louis C. Tiffany, 1905-15, "Grapevine panels".
4 Louis C. Tiffany, 1908, "Udsigt over Østersbugten"/Louis C. Tiffany, 1908, "View of Oyster Bay".
5 Kenyon Cox, 1887 (denne kopi er fra 1908), "Augustus Saint-Gaudens"/Kenyon Cox, 1887 (this replica 1908), "Augustus Saint-Gaudens".
1 Emanuel Leutze, 1851, "Washington krydser floden Delaware"/Emanuel Leutze, 1851, "Washington Crossing the Delaware".
2 Benjamin West, 1801, "Moses vises det forjættede land"/Benjamin West, 1801, "Moses Shown the Promised Land".
3 Albert Bierstadt, 1863, "Klippebjergene, Landers tinde". Lander = Oberst Frederick W. Lander, som i 1859 ledede en ekspedition til det vestlige USA, som Bierstadt deltog i.
Albert Bierstadt, 1863, "The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak".
4 Albert Bierstadt, ca. 1875-85, "Solopgang over Matterhorn"/Albert Bierstadt, c. 1875-85, "Sunrise on the Matterhorn".
5 Thomas Moran, 1897, "Teton Range", (bjergkæde i Rocky Mountains)/Thomas Moran, 1897, "The Teton Range".
1 Thomas Eakins, 1875, "Mesterskab i singlesculler (Max Schmitt i en singlesculler)".

Thomas Eakins, 1875, "The Champion Single Sculls (Max Schmitt in a Single Scull)".

2 Thomas Eakins, 1882, "Skrivemesteren"/Thomas Eakins, 1882, "The Writing Master".
3 Thomas Eakins, 1883, "Arcadia".
4 Thomas Eakins, 1900, "Tænkeren: Portræt af Louis N. Kenton"/Thomas Eakins, 1900, "The Thinker: Portrait of Louis N. Kenton".
5 Edwin Austin Abbey, 1898, "Kong Lear, 1. akt, scene 1"/Edwin Austin Abbey, 1898, "King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1".
1 John White Alexander, 1895, "Den hvilende"/John White Alexander, 1895, "Repose".
2 Edmund Charles Tarbell, ca. 1899, "På tværs af rummet"/Edmund Charles Tarbell, c. 1899, "Across the Room".
3 Childe Hassam, 1918, "Avenue of the allies, Great Britain, 1918".
4 Willard Metcalf, 1923, "Det nordlige del af landet"/Willard Metcalf, 1923, "The North Country".
1 Mary Cassatt, 1880, "Lydia hækler i haven i Marly"/Mary Cassatt, 1880, "Lydia Crocheting in the Garden at Marly".
2 Mary Cassatt, 1900, "Syende ung moder"/Mary Cassatt, 1900, "Young Mother Sewing".
3 William Merritt Chase, 1885, "James Abbott McNeill Whistler".
4 John Sloan, 1907, "Grå og messing"/John Sloan, 1907, "Gray and Brass".
5 Frederic Remington, 1907, "På de sydlige sletter"/Frederic Remington, 1907, "On the Southern Plains".
1 John Singer Sargent, 1882, "Kvinde med rose (Charlotte Louise Burckhardt)".
John Singer Sargent
, 1882, "Lady with the Rose (Charlotte Louise Burckhardt)".
2 John Singer Sargent, 1883-84, "Madame X (Madame Pierre Gautreau)".
3 John Singer Sargent, 1892, "Mrs. Hugh Hammersley".
4 John Singer Sargent, 1897, "Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Phelps Stokes".
5 John Singer Sargent, 1899, "The Wyndham Sisters: Lady Elcho, Mrs. Adeane, and Mrs. Tennant".
6 John Singer Sargent, 1908, "Eremitten (Il solitario)"/John Singer Sargent, 1908, "The Hermit (Il solitario)".
1 John Singer Sargent, 1911, "Marmor transporteres fra marmorbruddene til Carrara".
John Singer Sargent
, 1911, "Bringing Down Marble from the Quarries to Carrara".
2 "Kronen fra Jomfruen af den ubesmittede undfangelse, eller kronen fra Andesbjergene", ca. 1660/1770. Oprindeligt smykkede kronen en statue af Jomfru Maria i katedralen Popayán i Colombia.

"Crown of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, known as the Crown of the Andes", c. 1660/1770.

3 Gravplade med Kristogram, spansk, 400-800/Tomb plaque with Christogram, Spanish, 400-800.
4 Riddersalen på Van Rensselaer familiens gods, 1765-69/The Great Hall of Van Rensselaer Manor House, 1765-69.
1 Ghirlandaio, ca. 1472-75, "Kristusbæreren"/Ghirlandaio, c. 1472-75, "Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ".
2 Rogier van der Weyden, ca. 1460, "Francesco d'Este (født ca. 1427, død efter 20. juli 1486)".
Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1460, "Francesco d'Este (born about 1427, died after July 20, 1486)".
3 Hans Memling, ca. 1446-70, "Bebudelsen"/Hans Memling, c. 1446-70, "The Annunciation".
4 Hans Memling, beg. 1480-erne, "Jomfru Maria og Jesusbarnet med helgeninderne Katharina af Alexandria og Barbara".
Hans Memling
, early 1480s, "Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara".
5 Hieronymus Bosch, ca. 1475, "Kongernes tilbedelse"/Hieronymus Bosch, c. 1475, "The Adoration of the Magi".
6 Botticelli, ca. 1480-84, "Portræt af en ung mand holdende en medaljon"/Botticelli, c. 1480-84, "Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Medallion".
1 Raphael, ca. 1504, "Den tronende Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet omgivet af helgener ".
Raphael, c. 1504, "Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints".
2 Titian og værksted, ca. 1565-70, "Venus og lutspilleren"/Titian and Workshop, c. 1565-70, "Venus and the Lute Player".
3 Lucas Cranach d.æ. ca. 1510, "Den Hellige Barbaras martyrdød"/Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1510, "The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara".
4 Lucas Cranach d.æ., ca. 1528, "Paris' dom"/Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1528, "The Judgment of Paris".
5 Lucas Cranach d.æ., ca. 1530, "Judith med Holofernes' hoved"/Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1530, "Judith with the Head of Holofernes".
6 Lucas Cranach d.æ., 1532, "Lukas Spielhausen"/Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1532, "Lukas Spielhausen".
1 Hans Holbein d.y., 1532, "Hermann von Wedigh III (død 1560)"/Hans Holbein the Younger, 1532, "Hermann von Wedigh III (died 1560)".
2 El Greco, ca. 1577-87, "Korsbæringen"/El Greco, c. 1577-87, "Christ Carrying the Cross".
3 Pieter Breugel d.æ., 1568, "Høstarbejdere"/Pieter Breugel the Elder, 1568, "The Harvesters".
4 Frans Hals, 1623, "Ung mand og kvinde på en kro"/Frans Hals, 1623, "Young Man and Woman in an Inn".
5 Frans Hals, ca. 1616-17, "Feststemte til fastelavn"/Frans Hals, c. 1616-17, "Merrymakers at Shrovetide".
6 Rembrandt, beg. 1660-erne, "Kvinde med nellike"/Rembrandt, early 1660s, "Woman with a Pink".
1 Johannes Vermeer, ca. 1662-63, "Ung kvinde med lut"/Johannes Vermeer, c. 1662-63, "Young Woman with a Lute".
2 Johannes Vermeer, ca. 1670-72, "Allegori over den katolske tro"/Johannes Vermeer, c. 1670-72, "Allegory of the Catholic Faith".
3 Johannes Vermeer, ca. 1656-57, "Sovende tjenestepige"/Johannes Vermeer, c. 1656-57, "A Maid Asleep".
4 Johannes Vermeer, ca. 1665-67, "Studie af en ung kvinde"/Johannes Vermeer, c. 1665-67, "Study of a Young Woman".
5 Johannes Vermeer, ca. 1682, "Ung kvinde med vandkande"/Johannes Vermeer, c. 1682, "Young Woman with a Water Pitcher".
1 Jan Steen, ca. 1663-64, "Den udsvævende familie"/Jan Steen, c. 1663-64, "The Dissolute Household".
2 Jan Steen, c. 1670, "Lystigt selskab på en terrasse"/Jan Steen, c. 1670, "Merry Company on a Terrace".
3 Pieter Claesz, 1628, "Stilleben med kranium og fjerpen"/Pieter Claesz, 1628, "Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill".
4 Willem Claesz Heda, 1635, "Stilleben med østers, et sølvbæger og glas".
Willem Claesz Heda, 1635, "Still Life with Oysters, a Silver Tazza, and Glassware".
5 Jacob Jordaens, 1616, "Den hellige familie og hyrderne"/Jacob Jordaens, 1616, "The Holy Family with Shepherds".
1 Rubens og værksted, ca. 1616, "Ulv- og rævejagt"/Rubens and Workshop, c. 1616, "Wolf and Fox Hunt".
2 Rubens, 1630'erne, "Venus og Adonis"/Rubens, mid-1630s, "Venus and Adonis".
3 Caravaggio, 1610, "Peters fornægtelse"/Caravaggio, 1610, "The Denial of Saint Peter".
4 Guido Reni, 1627, "Den ubesmittede undfangelse"/Guido Reni, 1627, "The immaculate Conception".
5 Nicolas Poussin, ca. 1633, "Rinaldos følgesvende"/Nicolas Poussin, c. 1633, "The Companions of Rinaldo".
1 Claude Lorrain, ca. 1643, "Trojanske kvinder sætter ild til skibene"/Claude Lorrain, c. 1643, "The Trojan Women Setting Fire to their Fleet".
2 Georges de La Tour, ca. 1640, "Den angrende Maria Magdalene"/Georges de La Tour, c. 1640, "The Penitent Magdalen".
3 Georges de La Tour, ca. 1630, "Spåkonen"/Georges de La Tour, c. 1630, "The Fortune Teller".
4 Tiepolo, 1729, "Marius' triumftog". Gajus Marius (ca. 157-86 f.Kr.) var en romersk general og politiker/Tiepolo, 1729, "The Triumph of Marius".
5 Tiepolo, ca. 1750, "Forherligelse af Barbaro familien"/Tiepolo, c. 1750, "The Glorification of the Barbaro Family".
1 Tiepolo, 1752, "Allegori over planeterne og verdensdelene"/Tiepolo, 1752, "Allegory of the Planets and Continents".
2 Tiepolo, 1760'erne, "Apoteose over det spanske monarki"/Tiepolo, 1760s, "The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy".
3 Francesco Guardi, slutn. 1760-erne, "Canal Grande og Rialtobroen"/Francesco Guardi, late 1760s, "The Grand Canal above the Rialto".
4 Francesco Guardi, ca. 1765, "Venedig set fra Bacino di San Marco"/Francesco Guardi, c. 1765, "Venice from the Bacino de San Marco".
5 Francesco Guardi, ca. 1765, "Fantastisk landskab"/Francesco Guardi, c. 1765, "Fantastic Landscape".
1 Canaletto, slutn. 1720-erne, "Markuspladsen"/Canaletto, late 1720s, "Piazza San Marco".
2 Jean Honoré Fragonard, ca. 1760, "Det stjålne kys"/Jean Honoré Fragonard, c. 1760, "The Stolen Kiss".
3 Jean Honoré Fragonard, ca. 1769, "Kvinde med hund"/Jean Honoré Fragonard, c. 1769, "A Woman with a Dog".
4 Jean Honoré Fragonard, beg. 1770-erne, "Kærestebrevet"/Jean Honoré Fragonard, early 1770s, "The Love Letter".
5 Antoine Watteau, ca. 1718-20, "Mezzettino", figur fra commedia dell'arte/Antoine Watteau, c. 1718-20, "Mezzetin".
6 Antoine Watteau, ca. 1720, "De franske komedieskuespillere"/Antoine Watteau, c. 1720, "The French Comedians".
1 Jean Siméon Chardin, ca. 1733-34, "Sæbebobler"/Jean Siméon Chardin, c. 1733-34, "Soap Bubbles".
2 Francois Boucher, 1750, "Den afbrudte søvn"/Francois Boucher, 1750, "The Interrupted Sleep".
3 Francois Boucher, 1751, "Venus' toilette"/Francois Boucher, 1751, "The Toilette of Venus".
4 Ingres, 1851-53, "Josephine-Eléonore-Marie-Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Béarn (1825-1860), Princesse de Broglie".
5 David, 1787, "Sokrates' død"/David, 1787, "The Death of Socrates".
6 Eugéne Delacroix, 1823-24 og 1835, "Natchezerne"/Eugéne Delacroix, 1823-24 and 1835, "The Natchez".
1 Goya, 1804, "Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini (1775-1850)".
2 Goya, 1820, "Arkitekten Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo (1785/86-1841)"/Goya, 1820, "Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo (1785/86-1841), the Architect".
3 Théodore Gericault, 1818, "Aften: Landskab med akvædukt"/Théodore Gericault, 1818, "Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct".
4 Caspar David Friedrich, ca. 1825-30, "To mænd betragter månen"/Caspar David Friedrich, c. 1825-30, "Two Men Contemplating the Moon".
5 John Constable, ca. 1825, "Salisbury katedralen set fra biskoppens jorde".
John Constable, c. 1825, "Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds".
6 Camille Corot, ca. 1865, "Færgemand mellem siv"/Camille Corot, c. 1865, "Boatman among the Reeds".
1 Turner, ca. 1835, "Venedig, set fra kirken Santa Maria della Salute"/Turner, c. 1835, "Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute".
2 Johan Christian Dahl, 1823, "To mænd set bagfra foran et vandfald".
Johan Christian Dahl, 1823, "Two Men Seen from behind before a Waterfall".
3 Johan Christian Dahl, 1824, "Vesuv i udbrud"/Johan Christian Dahl, 1824, "The Eruption of Vesuvius".
4 Johan Christian Dahl, 1846, "Københavns havn i måneskin"/Johan Christian Dahl, 1846, "Copenhagen Harbor by Moonlight".
5 Auguste Rodin, 1889, "Pygmalion og Galatea"/Auguste Rodin, 1889, "Pygmalion and Galatea".
6 Auguste Rodin, før 1893, "Amor og Psyke"/Auguste Rodin, before 1893, "Cupid and Psyche".
1 Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1879, "Jeanne d'Arc"/Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1879, "Joan of Arc".
2 Eckersberg, ca. 1814-15, "Udsnit af Via Sacra i Rom (Kirken Santi Cosma e Damiano)", kirke på Forum Romanum.
Eckersberg, c. 1814-15, "A Section of the Via Sacra, Rome (The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian)".
3 Christen Købke, ca. 1838, "Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813-1893), kunstneres bror".
Christen Købke, c. 1838, "Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813-1893), the Artist's Brother".
4 Adam August Müller, 1830, "Antiksamlingen på Charlottenborg i København".
Adam August Müller
, 1830, "The Hall of Antiquities at Charlottenborg Palace, Copenhagen".
5 Constantin Hansen, 1838, "Søjler i Neptuntemplet i Pæstum"/Constantin Hansen, 1838, "Columns of the Temple of Neptune at Paestum".
6 Wilhelm Hammershøi, 1911, "Selvportræt"/Wilhelm Hammershøi, 1911, "Self-Portrait".
1 Gustave Courbet, 1865-66, "Jo, den smukke irlænderinde"/Gustave Courbet, 1865-66, "Jo, La Belle Irlandaise".
2 Gustave Courbet, 1866, "Kvinde med papegøje"/Gustave Courbet, 1866, "Woman with a Parrot".
3 Gustave Courbet, 1870, "Hav: Skypumpe"/Gustave Courbet, 1870, "Marine: The Waterspout".
4 Gustaf Söderberg, 1821, "Rom med Peterskirken og Engelsborg"/Gustaf Söderberg, 1821, "Rome with St. Peter's and Castel Sant'Angelo".
5 Honoré Daumier, ca. 1862-64, "Tredjeklassesvogn"/Honoré Daumier, c. 1862-64, "The Third-Class Carriage".
1 Édouard Manet, 1862, "Frøken V... i tyrefægterdragt"/Édouard Manet, 1862, "Mademoiselle V... in the Costume of an Espada".
2 Édouard Manet, 1864, "Kearsarge [amerikansk krigsskib] i Boulogne/Édouard Manet, 1864, "The "Kearsarge" at Boulogne.
3 Renoir, 1888, "Catulle Mendès' døtre, Huguette (1871-1964), Claudine (1876-1937) og Helyonne (1879-1955).
Renoir, 1888, "The Daughters of Catulle Mendès, Huguette (1871-1964), Claudine (1876-1937), and Helyonne (1879-1955).
4 Renoir, 1892, "To unge piger ved klaveret"/Renoir, 1892, "Two Young Girls at the Piano".
5 Camille Pissarro, 1881, "Høsten, Pontoise (la Récolte, Pontoise)"/Camille Pissarro, 1881, "The Harvest, Pontoise (la Récolte, Pontoise)".
1 Camille Pissarro, 1895, "Badende i skoven"/Camille Pissarro, 1895, "Bather in the Woods".
2 Camille Pissarro, 1899, "Høstakke, morgen, Éragny"/Camille Pissarro, 1899, "Haystacks, Morning, Éragny".
3 Camille Pissarro, 1899, "Tuileriehaven, forår"/Camille Pissarro, 1899, "The Garden of the Tuileries on a Spring".
4 Pierre Bonnard, 1911, "Udsigt over den gamle havn, Saint-Tropez"/Pierre Bonnard, 1911, "View of the Old Port, Saint-Tropez".
5 Pierre Bonnard, 1924, "Før middagen"/Pierre Bonnard, 1924, "Before Dinner".
1 Pierre Bonnard, ca. 1943, "Landskab i syden (Le Cannet)"/Pierre Bonnard, c. 1943, "Landscape in the South (Le Cannet)".
2 Claude Monet, 1894, "Katedralen i Rouen: Facaden (solskin)"/Claude Monet, 1894, "Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (Sunlight)".
3 Paul Cézanne, 1866, "Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (født 1817), kunstnerens onkel som munk".
Paul Cézanne, 1866, "Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (born 1817), the Artist's Uncle, as a Monk".
4 Paul Cézanne, ca. 1890, "Stilleben med æbler og en urtepotte med primulaer".
Paul Cézanne, c. 1890, "Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses".
5 Paul Cézanne, 1890-92, "Kortspillerne"/Paul Cézanne, 1890-92, "The Card Players".
1 Paul Cézanne, 1892-94, "Huset med de revnede vægge"/Paul Cézanne, 1892-94, "The House with the Cracked Walls".
2 Paul Cézanne, 1893-94, "Stilleben med en ingefærkrukke og auberginer".
Paul Cézanne, 1893-94, "Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants".
3 Georges Seurat, ca. 1886-88, "Gråvejr, Grande Jatte"/Georges Seurat, c. 1886-88, "Gray Weather, Grande Jatte".
4 Paul Signac, 1891, "Aftenstilhed, Concarneau, Opus 220 (Allegro Maestoso)".
Paul Signac, 1891, "Evening Calm, Concarneau, Opus 220 (Allegro Maestoso)".
5 Vincent van Gogh, 1888, "Sko"/Vincent van Gogh, 1888, "Shoes".
1 Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Vuggevise (Kvinde vugger en vugge: Augustine-Alix Pellicot Roulin, 1851-1930)".
Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "La Berceuse (Woman Rocking a Cradle: Augustine-Alix Pellicot Roulin, 1851-1930)".
2 Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Hvedemark med Cypresser"/Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Wheat Field with Cypresses".
3 Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Kvinde plukker oliven"/Vincent van Gogh, 1889, "Women Picking Olives".
4 Vincent van Gogh, 1890, "Roser"/Vincent van Gogh, 1890, "Roses".
5 Paul Gauguin, 1892, "Badende tahitianerinde"/Paul Gauguin, 1892, "Tahitian Women Bathing".
1 Paul Gauguin, 1892-94, "Middagshvil".
Paul Gauguin, 1892-94, "The Siesta".
2 Édouard Vuillard, 1895, "Albummet".
Édouard Vuillard
, 1895, "The Album".
3 Arnold Böcklin, 1880 "De dødes ø".
Arnold Böcklin, 1880 "Island of the Dead".
4 Bertold Löffler, 1912, "Ung mand spiller panfløjte".
Bertold Löffler
, 1912, "Youth Playing the Pipes of Pan".
5 Ferdinand Hodler, 1896, "Hyrdens drøm".
Ferdinand Hodler, 1896, "The Dream of the Shepherd".
6 Gustav Klimt, 1899, "Serena Pulitzer Lederer (1867-1943)".
7 Gustav Klimt, 1912-13, "Mäda Primavesi (1903-2000)".
8 Umberto Boccioni, 1914, "Brolæggere"-
Umberto Boccioni, 1914, "The Street Pavers".
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MoMA/Museum of Modern Art   -   New York City, New York State
1 Auguste Rodin, "Monument for Balzac"1889 (støbt 1954), MoMAs skulpturhave.
Auguste Rodin, "Monument to Balzac", 1889 (cast 1954), The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden.
2 Arthur Middleton Young, "Bell-47D1 Helikopter", 1945, anvendt under Koreakrigen (1950-53) som ambulancehelikopter.
Arthur Middleton Young
, "Bell-47D1 Helicopter", 1945, used during the Korean War (1950-53) as an aerial ambulance.
3 Wilhelm Lehmbruck, "Knælende kvinde", 1911/Wilhelm Lehmbruck, "Kneeling Woman", 1911.
4 Umberto Boccioni, "Kontinuitetens unikke former i rummet"1913/Umberto Boccioni, "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space", 1913.
5 MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art. The art historian Alfred H. Barr (1902-1981) was the founding director. The Japanese architect Yoshio Taniguchi (1937) redesigned MoMA, which was reopened in 2004.
The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden by the American architect Philip Johnson (1906-2005).
Frank Lloyd Wright
Guggenheim   -   New York City, New York State

Fallingwater   -   Springfield Township, Pennsylvania

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1959, beliggende på 5th Avenue, New York.
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1959,
located at 5th Avenue, New York.
Fallingwater beliggende nær Mill Run i det sydvestlige Pennsylvania blev opført i 1935 af den 68-årige Frank Lloyd Wright som fritidshus for stormagasinmagnaten i Pittsburgh Edgar J. Kaufmann Senior og hans hustru Liliane. Familien Kaufmann ønskede at huset kunne give dem udsigt til vandfaldet og blev skræmte da Wrights plan gik ud på at placere huset direkte ovenpå vandfaldet på floden Bear Run, biflod til Youghioghenyfloden.
Fallingwater er et amerikansk arkitekturikon. I 1966 blev det udpeget til nationalhistorisk vartegn. I 1991 blev huset udnævnt til at være det bedste stykke amerikanske arkitektur nogensinde af medlemmer af American Institute of Architects og huset er på Smithsonianinstituttets liste over 28 steder man skal se, før man dør. Smithsonian er verdens største museumskompleks, uddannelses- og forskningscenter.
Husets møblement er også Wrights værk. Interiør, eksteriør og landskab hænger sammen. Finn Juhls 45 stol står i huset.
Se flere fotos fra Fallingwater.

Fallingwater near Mill Run, southwestern Pennsylvania, was designed 1935 by the 68-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright as a weekend home for the department store magnate from Pittsburgh Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr. and his wife Liliane
. The Kaufmann's expected a house that would offer views of the waterfall and were startled to find that Wright's plans situated the house directly above the waterfall on Bear Run, tributary of the Youghiogheny River.
Fallingwater is an icon of American architecture. In 1966 designated a National Historic Landmark. In 1991 named "best all-time work of American architecture" by members of the American Institute of Architects and the house is listed among the Smithsonian Institution's "28 places to see before you die".
View more pictures of Fallingwater.
Skulpturer/Sculptures   -   New York City, New York State
Frihedsgudinden, 1886. Statuen var en gave fra det franske folk til det amerikanske folk. Den er symbol på politisk frihed og demokrati.

I Santa Croce i Firenze kan ses "La Libertà della Poesia", 1870-83, gravmonument for skuespilforfatteren Giovanni Battista Niccolini (1792-1861), udført af Pio Fedi. Skulpturen menes at have været inspiration for Frihedsgudinden.

The Statue of Liberty, 1886, was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, it is a symbol of political freedom and democracy.

"La Libertà della Poesia", 1870-83, tomb monument of the playwright Giovanni Battista Niccolini (1792-1861), executed by Pio Fedi, Santa Croce, Florence. The sculpture is said to have been the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty.

6 Frihedsgudinden, Paris/The Statue of Liberty in Paris.
Auguste Frédéric Bartholdi (f. 1834 i Colmar - d. 1904 i Paris) tegnede den nyklassicistiske kobberstatue "Frihedsgudinden", som står ved indsejlingen til New York Havn. Jernskelettet er tegnet af Gustave Eiffel. Statuen hvis fulde titel var "Frihed oplyser verden" blev i 1876 givet som gave til det amerikanske folk fra det franske folk. Den 28. oktober 1886 blev Frihedsgudinden officielt indviet ved en daglang fejring ledet af præsident Stephen Grover Cleveland (1837-1908). Statuen er et symbol på politisk frihed og demokrati.
En 12 meter høj kopi af Frihedsgudinden i kobbergrøn
polyresin af Guillaume Roche er placeret i en græsklædt rundkørsel lige uden for Colmar. Den blev indviet den 4. juli 2004 i anledning af 100-året for Auguste Frédéric Bartholdis død.
Huset hvor Bartholdi blev født åbnede i 1922 som Musée Bartholdi.
Auguste Frédéric Bartholdi (born 1834 in Colmar - died 1904 in Paris) was the designer of the Neoclassical copper Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. The iron framework was designed by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was titled, in full, "Liberty Enlightening the World" and was in 1876 given to the people of the United States by the people of France. On October 28, 1886 the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated in a day-long celebration led by President Stephen Grover Cleveland (1837-1908). The Statue is a symbol of political freedom and democracy.
A 12 m high copper-green polyester resin replica of the Statue of Liberty executed by Guillaume Roche is located in a grassy traffic roundabout just outside Colmar. It was unveiled July 4, 2004 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Auguste Frédéric Bartholdi.
The house where
Bartholdi was born opened as Museum Bartholdi in 1922.
4 Frihedsgudindeskulptur på bygning i New York/Statue of Liberty-figure at a building in New York.
1 Giovanni Turini, "Guiseppe Garibaldi", 1888, Washington Square Park. Garibaldi (1807-1882) var en central figur i Italiens samling (Risorgimento), dvs. den proces som førte til, at de forskellige stater på den italienske halvø blev forenet til Kongeriget Italien (1861-1946). Victor Emanuel 2. var den første konge (1861-78) af det forenede Italien (Victor Emanuel Monumentet i Rom blev indviet i 1911).
Giovanni Turini, "Guiseppe Garibaldi", 1888, Washington Square Park. Garibaldi (1807-1882) contributed to the Italian unification (Risorgimento) and the creation of the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946). Victor Emmanuel II was the first king (1861-78) of united Italy. Victor Emmanuel Memorial in Rome was inaugurated in 1911.
2 Jeff Koons, "Ballonblomster (rød)", 1995-2000, Ground Zero/Jeff Koons, "Balloon Flower (Red)", 1995-2000, Ground Zero.
3 Kleopatras nål. Ægyptisk obelisk, fra 1450 f.Kr., rejst i Central Park i 1881.
Cleopatra's Needle. Egyptian obelisk, from 1450 BC, erected in Central Park in 1881.
4 Bronzestatue af George Washington, USA's første præsident (1789-1797), Federal Hall, Wall Street.

Bronze statue of George Washington, the first president of the United States (1789-1797), Federal Hall, Wall Street.

5 Columbus Circle opkaldt efter monumentet af Christoffer Columbus, der opdagede Amerika i 1492.
Columbus Circle named after the monument of Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America in 1492.
  Rockefeller Plaza.
Kirker/Churches   -   New York City, New York State
1-4 Kirken Skt. Lukas i markområdet, Hudson Street, Greenwich Village, blev indviet på Kristi Himmelfartsdag den 16. maj 1822.
The Church of St Luke in the Fields, Hudson Street, Greenwich Village,
was consecrated on Ascension Day, May 16, 1822.
5 Leicester C. Lewis. Fra det anglikanske ugeskrift "The Living Church", 24. november 1946. Lewis, min mands farfar, var på det tidspunkt præst ved kirken. Anledningen til fotograferingen af de anglikanske præster fra New York i ornat var "The revival of religious life" (genoplivning af det religiøse liv i betydningen ordenslivet). Fejringen fandt sted i Skt. Lukas, fordi det var i den kirke, at en gruppe mænd i 1847 havde aflagt munkeløfter for en anglikansk biskop, og derved blev den første anglikanske orden i Amerika.
Leicester C. Lewis. From the Angelican magazine "The Living Church", November 24, 1946. Lewis, my husband's paternal grandfather, was at the time vicar of St. Luke. The photo was taken in the occasion of "The revival of religious life/orders".
6 Helligåndskirken, romersk-katolsk kirke, grundlagt i 1852, beliggende på West 42nd Street. 
Holy Cross Church, Roman Catholic church, founded 1852, located on West 42nd Street.
1 Atlas, Rockefeller Center.
2-6  St Patrick's Cathedral.
1-3 St Patrick's Cathedral.
4-5 Kirke i Harlem/Church in Harlem.
One World Trade Center & 9/11 Memorial   -   New York City, New York State
World Trade Center 1987
1-6 World Trade Center. Den 11. september 2001 angreb terrorister World Trade Centers tvillingetårne og Pentagon i Washington.
World Trade Center. On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington.
2 Fritz Koenig, "Globen", 1971. Skulpturen blev beskadiget under terrorangrebet, og står nu i Battery Park som monument over de omkomne.
Fritz Koenig
, "The Sphere", 1971. The sculpture was damaged during the terrorist Attacks, and now in Battery Park as a memoral to the victims who died on 9-11.
1-6 World Trade Center.
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Bygninger og Broer/Buildings and Bridges   -   New York City, New York State
Frank O. Gehry, IAC/
InterActiveCorp Headquarters
Manhattan skyline seen from Empire State Building Manhattan skyline seen from Empire State Building Manhattan skyline seen from Empire State Building Manhattan skyline seen from Empire State Building
Citicorp Building Citicorp Building
1-3 The Empire State Building.
4 New Yorks folkebibliotek, Fifth Avenue og 42nd Street/The New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street.
5 Hotel Plaza, Fifth Avenue, tegnet 1909 af arkitekten Henry Janeway Hardenbergh.
The Plaza Hotel, Fifth Avenue, Built 1909 by the architect Henry Janeway Hardenbergh.
6 New Yorks rådhus, 1803-12, USA's ældste rådhus. Optaget i det nationale register over historiske steder.

New York City Hall, 1803-12, the oldest City Hall in the US. The City Hall is listed on "The National Register of Historic Places" - the official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation.

1 Chryslerbygningen, 1918-30. Tegnet i Art Deco stil af arkitekten William Van Alen (1883-1954).
The Chrysler building, 1918-30. Designed in the Art Deco style by the architect William Van Alen (1883-1954).
2 The Woolworth building alias "handelskatedralen", 1913. Det gotisk inspirerede tårn er tegnet af Cass Gilbert (1859-1934). Bygningen var verdens højeste da den stod færdig.
The Woolworth building aka "Cathedral of Commerce", 1913. The Gothic influenced tower was designed by Cass Gilbert (1859-1934). The building was the world's tallest building at the time it was built.
3-5 The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
1 Washington Square Park, beliggende i hjertet af Greenwich Village/Washington Square Park, located in the heart of Greenwich Village.
2-3 Dakotabygningen. John Lennons og Yoko Onos hjem. Yoko Ono bor der stadig (2019).
The Dakota Building. John Lennon's and Yoko Ono's home. Yoko Ono still lives here (2019).
4-5 Imagine mosaikken, Strawberry Fields i Central Park, opkaldt efter sangen "Strawberry Fields Forever" til minde om musikeren og medlemmet af The Beatles John Lennon (1940-1980), der blev skudt uden for sit hjem, Dakotabygningen, beliggende på det nordvestlige hjørne af 72nd Street og Central Park.
The Imagine Mosaic, Strawberry Fields in Central Park, named after the song "Strawberry Fields Forever" in honor of John Lennon (1940-1980), the musician and member of the Beatles. John Lennon was shot dead outside his home, the Dakota Building, located on the northwest corner of 72nd Street and Central Park.
1-2 China Town, Hong Kong Bank.
3 New York Harbour.
4 Ellis Island Immigrantmuseum i New Yorks havn. Fra 1892-1954 indvandrede over 12 millioner mennesker til USA, og det var på øen Ellis Island af immigrationsmyndighederne godkendte eller afviste indrejsen.
Ellis Island Immigration Museum in New York Harbour. From 1892 to 1954 over 12 million immigrants entered the US through the portal of Ellis Island.
5 Staten Island Ferry, 1987.
6 Circle Line Ferry, 1987.
1-2 Rækkehuse og kirke i Harlem/Row houses and church in Harlem.
4-6 Hus i Harlem/House in Harlem.
Diverse/Various   -   New York City, New York State
1-3 Times Square, 1987.
4-6 Times Square Subway Station, 1987.
1 "Cats" musical af Andrew Lloyd Webber baseret på "Gamle Possums bog om praktiske katte" af T.S. Eliot.
"Cats" musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" by T.S. Eliot.
2 Concert, Lincoln Center.
3-4 Cabbage Patch Kids, Babyland, Fifth Avenue.
5 Wall Street.
6 Little Italy.
1-4 Brooklyn Bridge, 1869-83, forbinder Manhattan med Brooklyn/Brooklyn Bridge, 1869-83, connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.
1-4 South Street Seaport.
5 Fifth Avenue.
6 FAO Schwarz, Fifth Avenue, wonderland of toys. (FAO - Frederick August Otto).
1-6 Det Amerikanske Naturhistoriske Museum/The American Museum of Natural History.
1-2 The Frick Collection grundlagt 1935 af industrimagnaten og kunstsamleren Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919).
The Frick Collection founded in 1935 by the industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919).
3 The American Craft Museum.

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The Skaw Painters
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